High Anxiety

I was talking to some of my students the other day about their experience of anxiety and how it feels. What, I asked them, is it like to suffer from anxiety? They described their anxiety in various ways - the rising panic, waves of nausea, the black fog... What they all said though is that it is always there. Imagine that. Imagine if that feeling that you have when faced with, say, an Ofsted inspection was your normal state of mind. Imagine if there was no let up from that colly-wobbly slightly sick feeling. That's what global anxiety disorder is like. It's exhausting to be anxious, and the more tired you are the harder it is to manage. The trouble with global anxiety is that it is not about just one thing. It's like a big tangled mess and the sufferer doesn't know where to start unpicking it. It's one thing to be anxious about something that you can compartmentalise and quite another to just be anxious about everything. Some days everything is wrong. Ever...