Teach "fake news"? You bet we should!
Should schools teach about "fake news" says the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development's education director: Click for BBC News article I have no interest personally or professionally in what is in the PISA tests; they are at best an irrelavance as far as I am concerned, and at worst a dangerous distraction from the real business of education. I do however completely agree that we need to teach our young people the skills to evaluate the information that they are bombarded with. And it's not something you can necessarily put into an exam. We are bombarded with information which puports to be valid and true: the President of the United States of America tweets lies and then denies it. For Trump, and many like him, words have power but no weight - he uses words to influence the credible and then blames someone else for putting the misinformation into his hands. You have to admire the balls on the guy. History departments do a great deal toward...