A Response to Reframing The Debate by David Didau

I was interested to read an article by David Didau: Reframing The Debate . In it, he proposes different continuums on which teachers' practice might be placed. I have already said quite plainly that I find the polarisation of teachers as either Traditional or Progressive unhelpful. I tend to take a Pragmatic view - if it works, I do it and I'm really not concerned with someone else's labels. Didau offered a new perpsective however, by proposing a continuum that focuses not so much on WHAT teachers do, but WHY they do it. That seems much more helpful. This is a continuum that interests me greatly. For most of my career I have taught in a school (I call it Hogwarts) where the academic ideology prevailed. Certainly the aim of the school is to make children cleverer (at passing exams anyway) and which absolutely prioritises academic knowledge. I am still cogitating on whether I think that we are primarly concerned with the impersonal and the abstract, but I will pr...