10 Tips for Parents Trying To Supervise Home Learning
Are you trying to supervise your child's learning at home and wondering how on earth teachers do it? Here are some tips from a teacher. 1. Go easy on yourself - we train hard to be teachers and we continue to hone and perfect our practice all the time. Even after 10 years at it, I am still learning and sometimes - don't tell anyone I said this - I get it wrong!! 2. Go easy on your kids. Their world has just turned upside down; there are upsetting and troubling things on the TV and radio and the grownups are acting weirdly. Tell your kids to look for the helpers: doctors, nurses, volunteers... Keep them focused on the positives. 3. Establish a work-space. Your kids are used to walking into a classroom that is set up for working in. There is display on the walls, a whiteboard, dictionaries, their exercise book, pens, pencils, paper... As much as you can, try to replicate that. It puts them in the right head-space. The sofa is for relaxing - don't let them try to ...