"Donkeys live a long time" Why I am Cynical About Raising Standards In Education.

"Donkeys live a long time" If you read anything about education these days, you will inevitably read that it is essential to raise standards in education. It is difficult to argue with such an endeavour. How can it possibly be wrong to want to improve the standard of education we give our young people? It's an easy sell for anyone in politics. Nobody in their right mind would argue against the raisng of standards. Take me for example - I am probably all for it, I just want to know what it means... I am an English teacher, so of course I turn to a dictionary first: standard ˈstandəd/ noun plural noun: standards 1 . a level of quality or attainment. "their restaurant offers a high standard of service" synonyms: quality , level , grade , degree , worth , calibre , merit , excellence "the standard of work is very good" The problem I have is that...