"Crack on!" 10 things I say a lot in the classroom.

I am well aware that I have a set of catchphrases in the classroom - mainly because the kids tell me so. Some of them can do unnervingly good impressions of me... One lad came into the classroom the other day and said, "Miss, I'm just going to crack on today." Crack on is a favourite phrase of mine at the moment. Bless his socks and give the boy a house point! Mine are not as good as a certain colleague whose sayings are legendary at Hogwarts and include one which intimates that everything is a pile of pony dung, man*, but I am proud of them anyway. I think they reveal my philosophy and approach in the classroom, I think. One of support and humour but also a gentle insistence on independence and self-reliance. I should emphasise that many of these phrases rely on the student being able to use inference and so are not used with ASD children - or those of a nervous disposition - unless I am sure they know what I mean. They are never used sarcastically or in anger. H...